How Chuck Norris Influenced Bruce Lee


Bruce Lee, known for his influence on martial arts, also learned from others like Chuck Norris. Norris advised Lee to be open to all possibilities, as ego can blind one's strengths. During a training session, Norris pointed out to Lee that he should be prepared to strike anywhere on the body, not just below the waist. 

Lee took this advice, working on high kicks with Norris and mastering them in six months.

Lee's philosophy was about constantly learning and adapting, avoiding being restricted by set patterns. His creation of Jeet Kune Do emphasized using ideas and techniques from various sources to develop one's own style.



Lee believed in being like water - flexible and adaptable to different situations. He encouraged being open to inspiration from everyone and everything, regardless of success or failure. By maintaining a mindset free from ego, one can extract valuable lessons and continuously improve. The key, as Lee famously said, is to "be like water."


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