15 Candid Pics Of Gal Gadot We Can't Stop Looking At!


Since being cast in the role of Diana of Themyscira, Wonder Women, comic books lovers haven’t been able to stop talking about Gal Gadot. Although she has done a phenomenal job at bringing the DC character to life, comic book lovers are not the only ones who have taken notice of the Israeli model/actress. Not only was she crowned Miss Israel more than 15 years ago in 2004, but she also served as a combat instructor for the Israel Defense Forces.


After being cast in the Fast & Furious franchise in 2009, it seems the world was sold on her talent and beauty. Her performance in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice as Wonder Woman is really what cemented her status as the one and only actress born to play the iconic role of the Amazonian Goddess. Oh, and if all that wasn’t already impressive enough, did we mention she was pregnant while filming Wonder Woman?

She’s hot and she’s tough, and these 15 pics prove it.

1. Literally No Effort Needed


She doesn’t even need to try to look good… Clearly. Gal Gadot posted this photo to her IG account and simply captioned it: Wknd is coming!

Although it might seem like she’s relaxing in this shot, we wouldn’t be surprised if the Israeli actress was actually working, or just taking a short break in between photoshoot takes, and checking her emails. Whatever she was doing, one thing is for sure, she looks good doing it.

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