How to Build Incredible Biceps with the Spider Curl


The spider curl is an uncommon exercise that is rarely seen in gyms. However, it is a highly effective exercise for developing stronger and bigger arms. Unlike the traditional bicep curl, the spider curl offers additional benefits. To properly perform this exercise, you will need a bench. It is important to avoid common mistakes, such as relying on momentum rather than muscle contractions. The spider curl targets the short head of the bicep and is a great way to strengthen this often neglected muscle. It also allows for a longer time under tension, leading to better gains. Variations of the spider curl include using a barbell or an EZ bar. When determining weight and reps, it is recommended to use a relatively lightweight and focus on 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps. Additional sets can be added if desired. So, if you're looking to enhance your arm workout, give the spider curl a try!

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