In the 200th episode of The Blacklist, titled "The Hyena", Raymond Reddington (James Spader) goes on a treasure hunt for a mysterious family inheritance, with the returning Robert Vesco (Stacy Keach) and triplets played by guest star Molly Bernard embroiled in the saga. Red finds out that the Hyena, a new Blacklister, is after the inheritance, leading to a thrilling chase.
Vesco, who was double-crossed by Red in Season 6 and jailed in Season 9, is suspicious when Red helps him escape prison. However, it becomes clear that Red aims to use Vesco to crack the riddle leading to the unclaimed Bostwick family fortune and get the Hyena out of the way.
Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Bostwick triplets struggle to decode the clues to their inheritance. The situation turns perilous when the Hyena, known for murdering inheritors for their fortunes, starts hunting them down. The Task Force is alerted, but the Hyena manages to murder Kendal, one of the triplets.
In a shocking twist, Cordelia, another triplet, is revealed as the Hyena's collaborator. Cordelia kills the Hyena, believing that she has the final clue to the treasure. However, Red corrects her, leading to her arrest and him securing the inheritance.
However, new tensions loom when Vesco is approached by an associate of another Blacklister, Wujing. He reveals that Red was behind Vesco's previous arrest, potentially jeopardising their newly restored friendship. The episode ends on a cliffhanger as to how Vesco will respond to the shocking revelation.