Phil is a struggling student at a prestigious magic academy. Unlike his peers, Phil lacks any magical abilities and compensates by relying on his sword to tackle enemies. His situation becomes more challenging in Professor Edward’s class, where a lesson on fire spells is being conducted. Edward, known for his disdain for non-magical students, selects Phil to demonstrate a fire spell, fully aware that Phil cannot perform magic. As expected, Phil fails to produce the spell, leading to ridicule from his classmates.
Despite the mocking, there are a few who stand by Phil. Colette, an honors student, defends him against the harsh comments of Cheyenne, a classmate who believes that magic is the ultimate measure of worth. Colette argues that Phil’s kindness and hard work should be recognized, even if he lacks magical prowess. Cheyenne dismisses this, asserting that Phil’s lack of magic means he will never achieve the status of a Magi Vander—a title of supreme magical prowess.
As Phil walks with Colette after class, he expresses his gratitude for her support. He remarks on how their shared struggle has led to a positive bond, despite the negativity he faces. Colette is initially flustered by Phil’s compliments but regains her composure, reminding herself of her noble status and her own goals.
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