Tuco, once a powerless orphan abused by his stepfather and neglected by his mother, lives a life of pain and low self-esteem. His days are filled with beatings and hunger, and he grows up with no confidence, constantly reminded of his weakness. On a school bus ride, Tuco witnesses the class bully, Shogo, tormenting a kind girl named Ayaka. Shogo snatches Ayaka’s book, mocking her for reading "girly" novels, while the other students either support Shogo or remain silent to avoid becoming targets themselves.
Unexpectedly, the bus and its passengers are transported to a fantastical new world. They find themselves in front of a majestic goddess named Isseus, who explains their new roles as heroes summoned to defeat a resurrected Demon King threatening her kingdom. The goddess reveals that they have been brought here to save her realm, and while some students express anger and disbelief, Isseus insists they have hidden abilities waiting to be unlocked.
To prove this, Isseus summons a fearsome demon dog that attacks a prisoner, showcasing the reality of the threat they face. After a student named Ayaka demonstrates powerful abilities by incinerating the demon, Isseus tests each student's skills using a crystal ball. Some students reveal impressive A and S rank abilities, while Tuco's turn reveals a disheartening E rank, the lowest possible.
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