In the fiery world of Westeros, few dragons are as significant as Syrax, the stunning mount of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Named after an ancient Valyrian god, Syrax is a yellow dragon known for its power and elegance. Syrax has been with Rhaenyra since she was seven years old, and their bond is one of the strongest between dragon and rider. From lighting the funeral pyre of Rhaenyra’s mother to soaring over King's Landing, Syrax has always been by Rhaenyra’s side.
Syrax’s beauty is matched only by its strength. In House of the Dragon Season 2, Syrax plays a pivotal role in the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons. Rhaenyra uses Syrax to assert her dominance and claim to the Iron Throne. The dragon’s presence alone is enough to instill fear and command respect, making it a crucial asset in Rhaenyra’s quest for power.
During the Dance of the Dragons, Syrax's role becomes increasingly vital. One of the few adult dragons on Rhaenyra's side, Syrax helps in various battles, including the critical attack on King's Landing. When Otto Hightower approached with a peace offering from Aegon II, Rhaenyra used Syrax to demonstrate her unwavering resolve. The sight of Syrax, with its massive wings and fiery breath, was enough to send a clear message: Rhaenyra would not be easily swayed.
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