In the recent turmoil of House of the Dragon, King Aegon II Targaryen finds himself in a perilous situation. After a brutal battle at Rook’s Rest, both he and his dragon Sunfyre are left gravely injured. This puts the Greens at a significant disadvantage, as Sunfyre was one of their key assets in the ongoing dragon warfare. The Greens now face a harsh reality: their dragonpower is critically diminished, especially when compared to Rhaenyra's more numerous dragons.
Dreamfyre stands as the only viable replacement for Sunfyre. Bonded to Queen Helaena Targaryen, Dreamfyre is one of the oldest and most powerful dragons remaining on Team Green’s side. Hatched during the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen, Dreamfyre has a long history of fierce loyalty and formidable power. Before Helaena, Dreamfyre was ridden by Rhaena Targaryen, who flew her frequently, showcasing her might and valor.
Despite her strength, Dreamfyre has remained mostly in the Dragonpit at King’s Landing. With Sunfyre out of commission, Aegon’s council now looks to Dreamfyre to fill the void. However, relying solely on Dreamfyre, alongside Vhagar and the smaller Tessarion, puts the Greens at a strategic disadvantage against Rhaenyra’s dragons.
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