The story begins with Phishia, a girl marked by misfortune, fleeing into the night as her own villagers pursue her. The village chief has condemned her, declaring that those born without stars like Phishia bring bad luck and shouldn't exist. As dawn breaks, exhausted and desperate, Phishia navigates through the forest to her secret hideouts. She retrieves her hidden belongings—magic bags, cookware, books, potions, and other essentials—feeling relieved that her pursuers haven't discovered her main stash.
Phishia, however, is no ordinary girl. She is a human reincarnated from another world. Although her memories of her past life are faint, she occasionally hears whispers from it. Resigned to a life of hardship, Phishia decides to emotionally detach from the village that has shunned her, trying to move forward despite her bleak circumstances. As she struggles to climb a hill, nearly falling off a cliff, she longs for practical skills and a fresh start.
While exploring, Phishia stumbles upon a dumping ground. Her familiarity with the area suggests she has been here before. She rummages through the garbage, finding usable clothes, a mat, and expired potions. Although discolored, she hopes the potions might still be effective. Musing on the irony of her situation—an unwanted child relying on discarded items—Phishia’s scavenging is interrupted by the sound of a tamer and his slimes nearby.
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