In the mystical world of Seal Fall, eleven-year-old Ryya Takerayashi lives a serene life in the forest, accompanied only by his remarkable collection of over a thousand slimes. Each slime, nurtured with various foods, evolves into rare forms with unique abilities, such as the Cleaner Slime, which washes his dishes, and the Scavenger Slime, which consumes garbage. Despite his solitary existence, Ryya’s world is disrupted when he encounters a group of knights with an injured companion.
Wishing to assist, Ryya offers his homemade medicine.
Nevertheless, they accept his help and follow him to his hidden residence. The knights are astonished to find a child living alone in such a remote area and are further surprised by his advanced magical capabilities and the presence of sticky slimes.
Among the knights is Reinhard Jamil, the head of a noble family, who expresses gratitude and curiosity about Ryya's background.
As Reinhard's team prepares to leave, Ryya feels a pang of guilt for not disclosing the truth about his past. He remembers his previous life in Japan as an overworked office worker who died from exhaustion.
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