Young Sheldon has broken quite a few canons established by The Big Bang Theory over the years, and few of them have been explained to the audience. Connie Tucker, played by Annie Potts, is one
Young Sheldon has broken quite a few canons established by The Big Bang Theory over the years, and few of them have been explained to the audience.
Connie Tucker, played by Annie Potts, is one feisty woman on Young Sheldon. She is fun, open-minded, and very non-traditional in everything she does. However, she is nothing like Sheldon's Meemaw, portrayed by June Squibb, who we occasionally see on The Big Bang Theory.
Only a little over 20 years have passed between the two shows' timelines, but Connie seems like a totally different person. In the 2016 TBBT episode, The Meemaw Materialization, she is more like Mary, Sheldon's mom – strict, religious, and uptight. What could've happened to change Meemaw so much?
One Reddit fan has proposed the craziest theory to explain that. What if Connie actually died in the early years of The Big Bang Theory and the Coopers hired an actor to pretend to be her because they thought that Sheldon would snap over losing his Meemaw?
That's an interesting thought to entertain. By that time, Sheldon's Pop-Pop and father had already passed away, and we don't know how well he took it. Pop-Pop died when Sheldon was pretty young, so it was a bit different, but George suffered that fatal heart attack when Sheldon was already in his teens, and that might've affected him more deeply.
Knowing Sheldon's vulnerable psyche and Mary's overbearing protectiveness, the idea of substituting Connie for Sheldon's sake doesn't seem that insane.
Still, the theory falls apart just like that when you remember that Sheldon Cooper pays attention to everything. He is too observant not to notice the impersonator.
There may be another, more logical explanation for Connie's sudden personality change. She simply got older, and she may have begun to deteriorate mentally, becoming more paranoid and closed-off than she used to be. It's a sad thought, but aging is a lottery, and not everyone is a winner.